Financial Information

Tuition & Activity Fee

A deposit of $1,000 is due upon acceptance for new students and by March 2 for re-enrolling students. This amount is non-refundable and will form part of the Tuition Fee.. It will reserve a place for your child for the school year on a first-come, first served basis.

For current tuition fees and and payment options, please contact Admissions at 416 444 3054 or [email protected]

Please see our Tuition Fee Table for further details. 

Registration Fee

Upon acceptance, one-time, non-refundable Registration Fee of $2,500 per family is required. This fee can be paid in full or in installments according to your payment plan, but must be paid within the first year at Hawthorn School.

Foreign students, boys registering in the junior school and girls coming from Hawthorn preschool are not required to pay the Registration Fee.

Capital Loan

To support the capital needs of the school, each family is required to provide a no interest loan of $2,500 to the school. The loan is repayable in full without interest 90 days after all students from the family have graduated from or left the school for any reason, and only after all deductions on outstanding accounts have been made. Foreign students, pre-school students and boys in the Junior School classes are exempt from the capital loan.

The capital amount may be donated to the school rather than loaned, and a charitable donation tax receipt will be issued.


At Hawthorn, one of the criteria for a student’s acceptance is the readiness of parents to assist in the school’s development through their financial support of fundraising initiatives. Financial support for Hawthorn is essential to cover the school’s operating costs and to provide for the future growth of the school, and all parents are expected to contribute in keeping with their means. Monetary gifts may be made directly to Hawthorn School for Girls. Income tax receipts are issued for all donations made to the school.

A one-time donation of $1,000 is suggested for foreign students.

Additional Expenses:

Students incur the following additional expenses:

  • Conferences (e.g. Latin)
  • Uniform
  • Textbooks
  • Homestay (International Students)

After-school Supervision and Program Fees:

After-school supervision is available on a daily basis for students from JK to grade 7. There are 2 types of after-school supervision: the Regular Use and the Occasional Use. Please refer to the after-school supervision sheet.

Special after-school programs are also offered. Please refer to promotional materials issued throughout the year.

Tuition Assistance:

Limited bursaries are available based on financial need. A separate application is required, done through a third party (ISM’s FAST  Please contact Admissions at 416-444-2900 or [email protected] for more information.

“Hawthorn has strong academics and it allows the girls to see their gifts and therefore help them to be the best version of themselves. Our graduates go on to do many amazing things and they carry with them the idea of being generous and giving of one self.  Hawthorn is the right choice and you’ll never find a school like it anywhere in Canada. “

Rhonda Wood, Director of Admissions and Parent Relations