Exchange and International

Ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in American universities

International/Exchange Programs

(Grade 6 to 12)

Each year, Hawthorn welcomes international students into our school, larger groups come from Fomento schools from Spain and Iragua from Colombia. The students live with a host family and attend Hawthorn for a full immersion experience that could be  3, 4 or 6 months, or a full academic year.

Fomento and Iragua Schools have an educational philosophy similar to Hawthorn’s, combining academic excellence, character development and faith education.

Likewise we offer our students a Spanish Exchange, a great opportunity for Hawthorn girls to discover all that Spain has to offer: whether it’s lying on the beach in Santander, enjoying Picasso’s paintings in Barcelona, or even catching the running of the bulls in Pamplona!

Participating students live with a local family and attend a FOMENTO school.

Course Fee : $ 599.99

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Quick Info

  • Laptop and more tools available during the courses
  • Online course content access
  • SMS and Email notification
  • Affordable course fee
  • Dedicated Course Trainer

English for the Workplace

This course runs over a 52 week period with a total cost of $499. Got the early bird course fee.

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